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Permit me to share with you these good science quiz questions for kids + answers.
The world we are living today revolves around science and technology and believe me, it would continue to advance day after day.
But one thing you can do for your kids now- is to introduce them to basics of Science.
And to help you out, I have rounded some good science quiz questions that your kids will love.
Now let’s get started.
Science Quiz Questions for Kids
1. What is the shape of the earth?
(a) Circle (b) Round (c) Sphere (d) Oval
Answer: Sphere
2. How many planets are there in the Universe?
(a) Four (b) Five (c) Eight (d) Nine
Answer: Nine
3. The natural satellite of the earth is called?
(a) The sun (b) Moon (c) Star (c) Telecommunication
Answer: Moon
4. ________ is one of the most important source of energy for the Earth?
(a) Power Holding Companies (b) Nuclear Plants (c) The Sun (d) Gasoline
Answer: Sun
5. The _______ is responsible for the movement of human body?
(a) Muscular System (b) Skeleton (c) Leg (d) Feet
Answer: Muscular System
6. The two openings in the nose are called?
(a) Holes (b) Joints (c) Nostrils (d) Breathing carnal
Answer: Nostrils
7. What part of the human body is responsible for sight?
(a) Pupil (b) Eye Lid (c) Eyes (d) Ear
Answer: Eyes
8. Which organ is mainly responsible for excretion in human?
(a) Bladder (b) Bile (c) Kidney (d) Lungs
Answer: Kidney
9. Anything that has weight and occupies space is called?
(a) Matter (b) Mass (c) Solid (d) Water
10. The three states of Matter are _______, _______ and _________?
(a) Solid, Liquid and Gas (b) Gas, Water and Vapor (c) Ice block, Water and Mass (d) All of them
Answer: Solid, Liquid and Gas
11. We breathe in oxygen and breath out _______?
(a) Oxygen (b) Hydrogen (c) Carbon dioxide (d) Nitrogen
Answer: Carbondioxide
12. Rice is a source of ________?
(a) Vitamin (b) Protein (c) Carbohydrate (d) MKineral Salt
Answer: Carbohydrate
13. We feel with our _______?
(a) Mouth (b) Nose (c) Hand (d) Skin
Answer: Skin
14. How many sense organs do humans have? And mention them.
(a) five (b) Six (c) Three (d) One
Answer: Five ( Eyes, nose, skin, tongue, ear)
15. Who invented Electric bulb?
(a) Aristotle (b) Bill Gate (c) Flash man (d) Thomas Edison
Answer: Thomas Edison
16. We have how many classes of food?
(a) One (b) Two (c) Four (d) Six
Answer: Six
17. The organ that covers the whole body and gives it protection is called?
(a) White Blood Cell (b) Clothe (c) Skin
Answer: Skin
18. What is responsible for the green pigment of plant?
(a) Photosynthesis (b) Chlorophyll (c) Sun Light (d) Stomata
Answer: Chlorophyll
19. The most important organ in the human body is________?
(a) Skin (b) Liver (c) Lungs (d) Brain
Answer: Brain
20. Animals that give birth to their young ones alive are best to as?
(a) Amphibians (b) Humans (c) Apes (d) Mammals
Answer: Mammal
21. What is the boiling point of water?
(a) 25 (b) 100 degree (c) 100 degree Celsius (d) 75 degree Celsius
Answer: 100 degree Celsius
22. The instrument used in measuring the temperature of a human body is called?
(a) Stethoscope (b) Body Checker (c) Thermometer (d) Telescope
Answer: Thermometer
23. The human heart is divide into how many sections?
(a) Four (b) Three (c) Two (d) One
Answer: One
24. Animals that we can keep at home are best referred to as _______?
(a) Pets (b) Wild Animals (c) Domestic Animals (d) Home Animals
Answer: Domestic Animals
25. The Organ responsible for human sense of taste is the ________?
(a) Skin (b) Mouth (c) Saliva (d) Tongue
Answer: Tongue
26. Fish uses _______ for Respiration?
(a) Nose (b) Gills (c) Mouth (d) Water
Answer: Gill
27. What Kind of soil is best for planting?
(a) Clay (b) Loamy Soil (C) Sandy soil (d) All of the Above
Answer: Loamy soil
28. _____ is the process of making soap?
(a) Soap Making (b) Metamorphosis (c) Osmosis (d) Saponification
Answer: Soap
29. How many set of teeth does an adult human have?
(a) 12 (b) 45 (c) 32 (d) 25
Answer: 32
30. Who is popularly known as the father of electricity?
(a) Charlie Chaplain (b) Mike Thompson (c) Michael Faraday (d) Williams Smith
Answer: Michael Faraday
31. How long does it take a Hen to hatch its egg?
(a) 3 days (b) 12 days (c) 12 days (d) 21 days
Answer: 21days
32. Human uses___________ for respiration?
(a) Mouth (b) Liver (c) Lungs (d) Kidney
Answer: Lungs
33. Terrestrial animals are animal that lives on _____?
(a) Sky (b) Land (c) Water (d) Tree
Answer: Land
34. A doctor that helps take care of the teeth is called?
(a) Teeth doctor (b) Surgeon (c) Dentist (d) Medical Doctor
Answer: A dentist
35. The stethoscope is used for checking________?
(a) Blood flow (b) Organ functions (c) Bone Structure (d) The Heart or Lungs
Answer: Heart or Lungs
36. The medical instrument used to monitor blood sugar level is called?
(a) Thermometer (b) Glucometer (c) Sugar Checker (d) Sugarmeter
Answer: Glucometer.
37. The push and pull of an object is referred to as?
(a) Force (b) Torge (c) Movement (d) Shift
Answer: Force
38. Locomotion is also known as?
(a) Movement from place to place (b) Map Direction (c) Car (d) Airplane
Answer: Movement from one place to another
39. The tip or blade of a leaf is also known as?
(a) Leaf Blade (b) Apex (c) Root (d) Trunk
Answer: Apex
40. Plants that take a year to grow to produce and die are called?
(a) Annual Plants (b) Perennial Plants (c) Biennials (d) Short-LIved Plants
Answer: Annual Plants
41. A young frog is called?
(a) Baby (b) Tadpole (c) Offspring (d) Spirogyra
Answer: Tadpole
42. The largest animal on earth?
(a) King Kong (b) Dinosaur (d) Dragon (d) Blue whale
Answer: Blue whale
43. What is the standard unit of force?
(a) Power (b) Joules (c) Ampere (d) Newton
Answer: Newton
44. The standard unit of power is?
(a) Kilogram (b) Joules (c) Newton (d) Watts
Answer: Watts
45. The powerhouse of a cell is called?
(a) The engine room (b) Server (c) Mitochondria (d) Protons
Answer: Mitochondria
46. A male cow is called?
(a) Buffalo (b) Puffin (c) Big Cow (d) Ox
Answer: Ox
47. Animals that live on both land and water are called?
(a) Amphibians (b) Mammals (c) Reptiles (d) Apes
Answer: Amphibians
48. What part of the skeletal system gives protection to the brain?
(a) Ligaments (b) Joint (c) Skull (d) Brain Cell
Answer: Skull
49. Animals that feed on only plants are called?
(a) Herbivores (b) Plant Eaters (c) Grasshopper (d) Carnivores
Answer: Herbivores
50. The closest planet to the sun is_________?
(a) Mercury (b) Venus (c) Mars (d) Jupiter
Answer: Mercury
51. The smallest planet is _________?
Answer: Pluto
(a) Jupiter (b) Mercury (c) Pluto (d) Earth
52. A mother bee is called ______?
(a) Mama (b) Chief (c) Grand Bee (d) Queen Mother
Answer: Queen mother
53. Bees stay in ______?
(a) Box (b) Hive (c) Apartment (d) Underground
Answer: Hive
53. How many bones are there in the human body?
(a) 307 (b) 567 (c) 200 (d) 206
Answer: 206
54. Invertebrates are animals without_______?
(a) Wings (b) Fins (d) Backbone (d) Teeth
Answer: Backbone
55. The smallest bone in the human body is called
(a) Scapular (b) Teeth (c) Phalanges (d) Staples
Answer: Staples
56. A young cow is called ____?
(a) Calf (b) Lamb (c) Sheep (d) Baby Cow
Answer: Calf
57. The darkest part of the shadow is known as?
(a) Penumbra (b) Umbra (c) Antumbra
Answer: Umbra
58. The solar system is divided into how many regions?
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four
Answer: Two
59. The largest human cell is known as??
(a) Blader (b) Brain (c) Stomach (d) Ovum
Answer: Ovum
No Options
60. An atom is divided into three namely:
Answer: Neutron, electron and proton
61. The process whereby food is broken down into smaller pieces for easy absorption is known as_____?
Answer: Digestion
62. Moving air is called?
Answer: Wind
63. The medical instrument used to view tiny object that cannot be seen with ordinary eyes is called?
Answer: Microscope
64. An example of a microscopic organism is known as?
Answer: A virus
65. The fins in a fish are used for____?
Answer: For movement
66. The process animals get rid of waste products is called?
Answer: Excretion
67. An irreversible increase in size and mass of an organism is know as _______?
Answer: Growth
68. _________ is the smallest unit of life?
Answer: Cell
69. The two primary memory of a computer are_____ and_______?
Answer: RAM and ROM
70. Where two bones meet is called?
Answer: Joints
71. The two main types of joints are?
Answer: Moveable and immovable joint
72. Animals that feed on both plants and animals are called?
Answer: Omnivorous animals
73. Fats and oils are also called?
Answer: Lipids
74. Water composes of ______ and _______
Answer: Oxygen and hydrogen
75. The type of nutrition in which organisms are able to manufacture their food is known as?
Answer: Autotrophic nutrition
76. Energy is characterized into two major forms called?
Answer: Renewable and Non-renewable energy.
70. The process by which plants manufacture their own food with the help of sunlight energy is called?
Answer: Photosynthesis.
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