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You just met a foreigner and want to shake hands with them? How about a nice conversation to make them feel ‘not so foreign.’
In today’s post, I am going to share 50 incredible questions to ask someone from a different country and get them to talk, even if you’re socially dull and can’t keep up a smooth conversation.
When you meet a foreigner, it’s essential you build up a friendly conversation space; in other words, you are giving him or her reasons to see you as a good friend to discuss deep issues with, without fear.
So let’s get started.
Questions To Ask Someone From A Different Country
Good and important questions can trigger long and exciting stories that equal fun, and it is also a better way of understanding feelings and people’s interest.
However, you need to be creative to know when and where to ask these questions. In your conversational session you can ask questions from a foreigner about their culture. The session can be a mixture of funny questions to ask a foreigner or interview based questions as well.
50 Incredible Questions To Ask Someone From A Different Country
The main idea behind these 50 incredible questions to ask someone from a different country is to get an introvert talking. My list of questions to ask someone from a different country includes cultural questions, general discussion and somewhat politics.
However, each question is interesting and lets do have a healthy conversation.
1. What are the most common pets and animals in your country?
This question is fascinating, and it can even lead to a discussion of the whole wildlife in the country. You can ask more questions about pets, like how many he or she has.
2. How is the cost of living over there?
The cost of living in some countries is very expensive more than you can ever imagine. This question looks kind of tricky, but I think he or she should be able to give you an estimate.
3. What is the weather condition of your country right now?
Discussing the difference in weather conditions between you guys shows that you want the conversation to continue, and you are interested to know more about his or her country.
4. What are the trending topics in your country right now?
The trending topics can be the ones gotten from twitter, news, or event. Discussing trends is another better way to know what the country is all about.
5. What is the most celebrated festival/holiday in your country?
Every country has one or two annual festivals that are mostly celebrated. You can move further to know what the festivals/holiday are all about, how, and when it is celebrated.
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6. How do you guys handle racism?
The racism issue of a thing are almost everywhere, and everyone has a different way to tackle the problem. You can get the person to discuss more on racism with this question.
7. What do you think about the standard of education in your country?
The education system is another interesting topic to discuss. A lot of people travel out of the country just because they believe that the standard of education in their country is not what they deserve. So discussing his or her thought on education is a great way to know the country more.
8. How do I say good morning in your language?
Try to go beyond asking him how to say “good morning.” You can ask him how to say bye, how are you doing, good night, etc. This way, you are learning a new language. Remember, no knowledge is a waste.
9. Is there a unique way to greet elders in your community?
In case you don’t know, communities in some countries do have a unique way to greet elders. If you have watched the famous movie “Mr Bones” you will understand what I mean.
10. What advice would you give someone traveling to your country?
This question is crucial even if you do not have plans to travel to that part of the world ever in your life. A question like this helps you understand how the other part of the world operates; it’s not every information that you can find on the web.
11. Does your country depend on imported goods?
A lot of countries depend more on imported foods—especially undeveloped countries. You can move further to ask which country they import most of their goods from, and you should be expecting to see China in their top 5 trade partners.
12. What do you know about my country?
This question can be harsh to the ears if you don’t place it in a way that your foreign friend will find pleasant. However, this should be one of the most important questions to ask someone from a different country.
13. Do you like the weather in your country?
Some weather can make one frustrated about life, the hot sun in Africa and deserts are perfect examples. Ask him or her how they feel about the weather.
14. How many seasons of the year does your country experience?
According to the TimeandDate website, In most cultures, including all western countries, the year is commonly divided into four seasons; winter, spring, summer, and fall.
15. What are the things that your country is known for globally?
I know Japan for producing strong and heavy machines, Egypt for farming, and Saudi Arabia for crude oil.
16. What is the most popular sport in your country?
Discussing sports will let you know if he is a sports fan or just a regular citizen.
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17. Between foreign and local music, which do you find more appealing?
Some people prefer foreign music for local music. It’s not like they do not love their country’s music, but there’s some special joy they get from foreign music, lyrics, and beats.
18. Is your country restricted from using any popular website?
Recently, I discovered that people in China are not allowed to use so many popular websites. See the list here.
19. Are there mountains or big rivers in your country?
If you had a good time with geography, you should know that it is not all country that has mountains. Belarus is a good example.
20. Is there a tourist center in your country?
There are few countries without tourist centers. So he or she should give you yes as an answer. I am sure he or she will tell you some of the tourist centers, their names, what you can find there, and many more.
21. Are there local monarchs in your country?
A lot of African countries have monarchs that rule every small community or state. A good example is Nigeria with Oba of Benin, Alaafin of Oyo, Emir of Kano, etc.
22. Do you like what your president or state governor is doing in your country right now?
These questions will help you know his or her level of interest in related public matters.
23. Are there white or black people in your community?
This question is not directed to the whole nation. If you think this question is not appropriate, feel free to move to the next one.
24. Does your country suffer any natural disasters? If Yes, how often?
Some countries are disaster-free, while some face a particular natural disaster like flooding and earthquake every year. It will be essential to know how safe that country is in case someone brings up the country for discussion again.
25. How is the transportation system in the most populated city in your country?
If you ride home smoothly from school or work every day, trust me, it’s not the same everywhere. You can google the traffic congestion in Lagos.
26. What are your favorite local foods?
The simplest way to get a friend to discuss his or her country’s food is by starting with his favorite food.
27. How many local languages do you have in your country?
What if I tell you that there are over 500 languages in my country(Nigeria). Don’t be surprised if this is your first of hearing that there’s a country with more than 100 languages. And that’s why you need to ask your foreign this important question.
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28. Do you guys enjoy constant electricity? And how much is a liter of fuel in your country?
Discussing topics like social amenities like electricity and the cost of fuel shows that you want to know more about his or her country.
29. How often do you watch foreign movies and listen to international music?
As for me, I prefer foreign action movies to local movies. I watch local films only when I have no foreign film to watch, which is very rare.
30. Are there natural resources in your country?
God richly blesses some countries with lots of mineral resources. This question can get you some answers that will make the conversation lively and fun.
31. Which country will you love to visit or live in, and why?
No matter how satisfied you are with your country of origin, you will still have one country that you will love to visit or maybe live. Also, getting reasons why he or she choose that country will give you room to understand his or her interest.
32. How are marriage ceremonies celebrated in your country?
If you don’t understand this question, you should try to search for how Indians do their marriage.
33. Can you give me a list of music artiste in your country who are globally popular?
Music is one thing that brings people and the world together. Discussing the entertainment industry is a brilliant way to prolong the conversation because everybody loves music. This question can bring out so many questions not listed here.
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34. Are there any sign gestures or specific language that people use to communicate in your country?
Life is all about learning new things. And according to Wordatlas.com, there are over 40 countries that use sign language to date. It’s left for you to find out if your friend is coming from such a country.
35. What are the most popular slangs in your country, and what is their meaning?
Slangs language is very common, and I know that every country has at least one slang. You can move further to ask him how that slang(s) was originated plus the meaning.
36. Are citizens allowed to marry more than one wife in your country?
There are lots of countries that allow a man to marry as many wives as possible, while some have the law of one man, one wife.
37. How do you say “hi” in your local language?
You can ask this question if your new friend is from a not from an English speaking country. Here’s my bonus for you; “Oi” is “Hi” in the Portuguese language.
38. Are there special days set aside to celebrate someone/men that made history in your country?
This question can lead you further to share the history of great men and women.
39. Do people in your country prefer to buy things from stores instead of online?
With this question, you will get to know a lot about how people buy things and the kind of markets and stores in the country.
40. Are women allowed to wear trousers in your country?
Lifestyle, doctrine, and belief come into question here. Be careful how deep you go into discussing religion with a foreigner because some people do not like discussing anything related to their religion and belief.
41. Do you have a celebrity role model in your country?
The role model you choose can give someone a clue about the kind of person you are and the lifestyle you desire and wish to live. If he or she has a celebrity role model, make sure you ask why he or she choose that celebrity as a role model.
42. What is the most popular TV show in your country?
There’s always a popular TV show that every country enjoy and watch. Ask him or her what the show looks like and the impact it has on life. Is the TV show for everyone or eighteen plus? It left for you to find out.
43. What is the most common car brand in your country?
You should ask this question if you fancy cars and good with car brands.
44. Where is the most interesting place in your country that you can take a friend to?
When you find out where they find interesting, you get to know what they like. Feel free to ask what the place looks like.
45. Which city will you likely recommend to a foreign friend to live? And why?
You should start with the number of cities or states he or she has traveled to because if the person is not a traveling type, it will be challenging to get straight answers from him or her.
46. What state in your country will you want to visit over and over again? And why?
Sharing the reasons why he or she will want to visit a city over and over again is another excellent way to make the chat lively.
47. What is that thing that bothers you so much about your country?
This question will allow you to know most of the problems the country battling at that time as well.
48. How long is your national anthem?
Do not stress him or her to start counting how many lines and stanzas. I think he or she should be able to express how stressful it is to recite the country’s national anthem.
49. What’s your thought on your country’s politics? Do you think they are doing well?
Politically related issues are not always great topics to discuss with a foreigner. But if he or she shows a significant level of interest, feel free to fire on with more connected questions of your interest.
50. How many foreign musics have you completely memorized?
This question can be a lot of fun, especially when you both know the songs and artists. You can move further to ask him why he liked the music to the extent of memorizing the complete song.
Finally, you have reached the end of my list of brilliant and incredible questions to ask someone from a different country.
Now I would love to hear from you:
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You have read all the 50 incredible questions to ask someone from a different country, are you ready to initiate an interesting conversation with a foreigner now? Give your feedback in the comments below.
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I’m so excited for the question.
It’s helpful to me.