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This is a comprehensive list of good, funny, important, and random questions to ask a teacher.
Specifically, I have grouped these questions into different categories that can fit in with parents and students.
That is, if you’re a parent, you will see enough questions to ask a teacher about your child, or if you’re a student, you will see some fun and good questions to ask your teacher aside from the regular classroom course discussion.
All you just need to do is pick the ones that you find pleasing and appropriate.
So let’s get started.
Questions to Ask a Teacher
Apart from the regular classroom discussion questions, there are few or let me say so many questions that every student need (not compulsory) to ask their teacher.
I believe by now you should that it is when you ask questions that you get an answer, even if it’s a funny one.
Important Questions Parents Should Ask A Teacher
1. What else do you think can negatively affect a child’s performance at school, aside from bad friends and depression?
Why this question might be helpful to ask:
- There are many factors that can affect a child’s academic performance. You Are Mom thinks some of the main circumstances that influence academic performance are those that are inherent to the child, such as personality, intellectual capacity, and the way the child has been raised. The child’s willpower or desire to accomplish tasks and excel also plays a role .
- External factors such as socioeconomic status, the teacher’s abilities, and the infrastructure of the school or school system can also have an impact on academic performance.
- Learner mentions that parenting, amount of time spent with children, quality and quantity of time spent away from primary caregivers, degree of physical and mental health, and effects of peer relationships can also influence performance in school.
It is important to note that education is a process that involves a number of circumstances and participants. When grades aren’t up to par, parents and teachers tend to blame the student. However, it is essential to take into account all the different factors that can affect a child’s academic performance.
2. How would you describe my child’s overall performance in school? Do you think he or she is doing well?
Why this question might be helpful to ask:
Asking about overall performance may invite a critique of other important areas in the child’s development, as opposed to purely academic performance
3. How does the school administration deal with bullying?
Asking this question can be important when supporting a child who is a victim of bullying or vulnerable to being picked on. That way, parents are able to be best informed about how school policy protects their child.
4. What do you think about my child’s behavior at school vs. at home?
Why this question might be helpful to ask:
Opening dialogue between the parent and teacher that enables them to contrast behavior may provide insight into how the child deals with different environments. It is generally expected that the behavior would be different, however extreme differences in perceived behavior could be worth looking into.
5. How would you describe the importance of physical and mental exercise?
This question could be a great way for parents to initiate receiving advice from a teacher about how exercise can benefit a student and be integrated into a study routine. Alternatively, it could be used to gauge the opportunities for activity in the school environment.
Physical and mental exercise are both crucial for the growth and development of school-aged children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical activity is associated with better grades, school attendance, cognitive performance, and classroom behavior. Regular physical activity can also improve bone strength, muscle control, balance, coordination, and help maintain a healthy weight .
In addition to physical exercise, mental exercise is also important for children. Mental exercise can help accelerate brain development and learning processes such as motor skills, personal awareness, socialization, problem-solving, and creativity.
It is important to note that physical activity does not need to be a structured sport. Anything that gets children up and moving will benefit their health. Encouraging children to be physically active every day will help them stay active and healthy through adolescence and adulthood .
6. Do you think my child is giving proper and necessary attention in class?
“Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.”
Robert Frost
7. Based on my child’s’ performance and interests, what do you think he or she is most likely to study in college?
A teacher has unique insight into students enthusiasm, performance and potential in academics and specific subjects. They are able to make informed recommendations and predictions.
Here are some other factors to keep in mind when it comes to a child’s future study prospects.
- A student’s interests and performance can influence their choice of college major/degree. According to The Balance Careers, students who perform well in certain subjects such as math, science, or English may be more likely to choose majors in those fields. Similarly, students who have a passion for art, music, or theater may be more likely to choose majors in those fields.
- While interests and performance can influence a student’s choice of college major, other factors such as job prospects, salary expectations, and personal values will likely be taken into consideration when making this decision.
- It is also important for parents to remember that their child’s worth is not solely determined by their academic success or choice of college major, as there are other fields such as trades and entrepreneurship that can lead to fulfilling careers.
8. Do you think my child is surrounding him or her self with good/bad friends?
Why this is an important question to ask:
Asking a teacher about your child’s friends can be important for several reasons. According to Raising Children Network, friendships give school-aged children a sense of belonging and build their self-esteem and social skills. However, if a child is surrounding themselves with bad friends, it can have a negative impact on their academic performance and behavior.
Teachers can provide valuable insight into your child’s social interactions at school. They may be able to identify any negative behaviors or influences that could be affecting your child’s academic performance. Additionally, teachers may be able to provide guidance on how to help your child develop positive relationships with their peers.
9. What do you think parents can do for children at home to improve their learning ability?
There are many things a teacher might recommend that parents can do to help their children improve their learning ability at home. They will probably be able to make a recommendation that is relevant to your particular child.
According to Reading Rockets, one of the most important things parents can do is to encourage their children to read, learn, and succeed. Here are some tips that can help:
- Let your child know you believe in them
- Talk, sing, and read with your child: Reading together is a great way to encourage learning and build a strong bond with your child.
- Encourage physical activity: Physical activity is associated with better grades, school attendance, cognitive performance, and classroom behavior.
- Create a stable home environment: Creating a stable home with routines and support encourages children to learn and explore.
- Limit screen time: Try to control how much time your child spends watching TV or playing video games. Children need to hear and talk to adults in order to build their language skills.
- Take an interest in your child’s education: Ask your child about their day at school
- Provide a quiet, distraction-free study space: Make sure your child has a quiet place to study and do homework.
- Encourage creativity: Encourage your child to be creative and expressive by providing them with an outlet such as art supplies or musical instruments
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10. What would make a child get kicked out of school or classroom?
If a child has reported being sent outside, it might be a good idea to determine the cause of this to help prevent it from happening again.
11. What’s the weirdest/dumbest thing parent do at school when visiting or picking up their child?
12. What’s the first thing a student should do when he or she gets home?
It is important for students to develop good habits after school to help them succeed academically and personally. A teacher can offer some advice on developing an after school routine. Here are some possible strategies they might suggest:
- Take a break: Students should take a short break after school to recharge and relax.
- Eat a healthy snack: Eating a healthy snack can help students refuel and focus on homework.
- Get organized: Students should organize their backpacks and school supplies to prepare for the next day.
- Start homework: Students should start their homework as soon as possible to avoid procrastination.
- Study: Students should review their notes and study for upcoming tests.
- Read: Reading is a great way to relax and improve vocabulary and comprehension skills.
13. Can you give me a list of books or gadgets to buy to improve my child’s learning? Is there any you would want parents to remove?
A teacher would be able to make a reasonable informed suggestion on how to limit screen time or access to specific devices
Excessive use of electronic devices can have a negative impact on a child’s learning ability. Children who spend significant time on devices may have difficulty learning and concentrating on their studies. The more time they spend with digital media, the less time they spend reading, which can have negative effects on learning. According to We Have Kids, excessive computer exposure can be addictive.
A study published by ABC News found that cellphones and laptops can be distracting for students in classrooms and using electronic devices can even lower students’ grades.
Deep and Important Questions Students Should Ask A Teacher
14. What are the key elements for smooth classroom learning and discussion?
A teacher might suggest that the student take part in constructive discussion as much as possible, and come pre-prepared for each respective topic.
15. How was your first day as a teacher?
This is an interesting question to ask a teacher that will take them back down memory lane if they are a seasoned veteran, or show kindness and empathy toward a newer teacher
16. How would you describe your first day at high school/college?
This is another interesting question that will give you insight into ow your teacher dealt with a new environment.
17. What would your perfect classroom be like?
Comparing the current state of the classroom to the ideal classroom would be a fun activity.
18. What’s the worst behavior you have ever seen a student exhibit in the classroom?
19. When you’re having a bad day, how do you handle students that piss you off in the classroom?
These questions shhould help to prove that the current class isn’t as bad as some of the past pupils- right?
20. What’s the most interesting thing about this school?
Asking this question can be interesting to gain insight into the strengths or unique aspects of this school as they will likely be able to compare it to other schools they have taught at.
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21. What’s that thing students learn after it’s too late?
22. Would you break any of the teaching ethics to help a student battling with depression?
23. What’s your favorite movie for students?
24. If you could change all school settings, what would you add and remove?
25. Where’s the favorite place you would love to take your students to?
26. What was the worst thing you did as a student? Do you regret it?
27. From your teaching experience so far, what advice will you give a dull or smart student?
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela
28. How do you feel watching a student fail?
29. Is teaching your dream job?
30. What’s the quickest way to learn and understand?
31. I understand that teachers do not know everything; what would you do if you were asked a difficult question in the classroom?
32. What advice will you give a school dropout?
33. What is the most interesting topic in your course that students find it difficult to understand?
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34. If you would invest your money or time more in education, what sector of education will that be?
35. Have you ever seen an extraordinary student?
36. If you could make a new law to govern all the students in schools, what law would you make?
37. What’s an ideal studying/reading environment like?
38. What accomplishment are you proud of in this school?
39. Are you teaching the subject/course you like most back then in school?
Random Good and Fun Questions to Ask A Teacher
Now the fun begins. Here are some funny questions to ask your teacher!
40. What/Who inspired you to be a teacher?
41. What is that student’s behavior that you dislike so much?
42. What do you think is preventing students from studying hard?
43. Does smart and intelligent student often come from educated homes?
44. Have you ever used a foul word on a student?
45. Rich but not educated? What do you think?
46. Can you predict student performance in the exam by merely looking at his performance in the classroom?
47. Have you ever memorized your books night before exams?
48. Are there questions that you can not find the answers yet?
49. In what percentage range will you advise a student to spend and save his or her income? Like save 50%, spend 50%
“Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.”
C.S. Lewis
50. What’s the most disgusting/annoying thing that a student has ever done in your class?
51. What is the most difficult course to study in college?
52. How strict were your parents towards self-improvement and education?
53. If you were the president for a day, what would you do?
54. What’s your worst subject back in school? If any, how did you manage to pass the subject?
55. Can you switch your current job to a high paying one?
Also Read: 90 Smart & Fun Icebreaker Questions for Kids
56. What’s the most overrated or underrated equipment/activity in school?
57. What’s the best way to resolve a fight and enmity within students?
59. At what age will you advise a student to get a boyfriend or girlfriend if he or she wants?
60. What’s the best piece of advice you have received from a student?
“Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”
Bruce Lee
61. Who was your worst/favorite teacher back then? And Why?
62. What makes a student brilliant and smart to you?
63. If you were to describe your school life and experience with a movie, what movie would that be?
64. What’s the funniest thing you have ever seen a student do?
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65. What’s your best school memory?
66. What’s that one thing about you that students do not believe when you tell them?
I am so excited you reached the end of my ideas. I just hope you enjoyed the list.
I also want to use this opportunity to dedicate this blog post to my High School Mathematics teacher. Much love for you, sir.
Finally, I will conclude this post with a famous quote by Dr. Suess “You can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room.” and a quote by me “Teachers are the great builders of leaders of tomorrow.”
Now I would love to hear from you.
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Or maybe you think that this list is missing some important questions.
Either way, do let me know by leaving a comment right now, and don’t forget to hit the share button below.