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Hi friend, if you are in search of creative and thought-provoking what would you do if questions, then you are in the right place.
In this post, you will see my comprehensive list of creative and fun what would you do if questions to ask your crush, girlfriend, boyfriend, kids, students, and for couple (adults) as well.
So let’s get started.
What Would You Do if Questions
Like I said earlier, I have grouped the ideas into subcategories. All you just need to do is Go through all the categories and pick the ones you like.
In other words, some question ideas grouped under “would what would you do questions for kids” can be perfect questions to ask your wife, crush, or girlfriend.
What Would You Do if Questions for Girlfriend/Boyfriend
1. What would you do if someone cheats on you?
Remember, this is all for fun; you do not need to take every question to heart. And make sure you tell your partner that it is a game before you start.
2. What would you do if I break your heart?
There is no doubt that people can do crazy things to themselves or their heartbreaker.
3. What would you do if I never said “yes” to your proposal?
This question is excellent and essential for couples. Will your partner let go or fire on until the answer becomes Yes?
4. What would you do if we were stuck in a box in this position?
What position are you both in now? This is a question you should ask when you are likely sitting next to your partner.
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5. What would you do if I lie to you about something vital?
Defending yourself is another thing; lying is another thing entirely. This question will help you find out how to fix things up and probably how your partner will react whenever he or she finds out someone is lying.
6. What would you do if I tear your certificates just because I am upset?
Just a regular joke, but you can never do that in real life, no matter how upset you are.
7. What would you do if the world was ending?
I think you will have to spend all the money you have and eat all the food in your house so nothing will waste. Is that a good idea?
8. What would you do if there was a dragon stuck under your bed?
Scary questions for girls, I bet that if your partner is a Game of the Thrones fan, he or she will likely turn the dragon to pet.
9. What would you do if I tell you that I never loved you?
A thought-provoking question that can lead to a long and constant conversation is what you just asked.
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10. What would you do if a celebrity gives you a shoutout on Instagram without you asking for it?
Girls will be super happy with this kind of update. “Imagine waking up and getting over 10k followers”– that will be something that will run through their minds all day.
What Would You Do if Questions to ask Your Crush
11. What would you do if you and I were the only people on Earth?
Just like Adam and Eve in the Bible, you will have to know how to fix life and live peacefully. It’s time you find out what your partner thinks as well.
12. What would you do if someone is crushing on you, and you like him or her as well?
Find out if your partner will help each other out or wait for one person to make a move.
13. What would you do if I kissed you?
To me, you don’t have to ask a man/guy this question because we are ready and always in the mood. Thank you.
14. What would you do if a celebrity kissed you without your consent?
I don’t know; it will depend on your partner’s state of mind. Maybe he or she has long for it for a long time.
15. What would you do if you were the ugliest thing on Earth?
Being the ugliest thing on Earth sounds weird. Why not make it a little bit friendly to the ears. But I say NO, go and ask your partner this question.
16. What would you do if there were no weekends?
Some people value weekends more than their birthday. Remove it from their life, and this life will be meaningless and boring to them.
17. What would you do if love is something you buy from the market?
I will work hard and buy all for myself, maybe sell some for a higher price. LOL
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18. What would you do if you fall for someone?
Do you mean falling on the ground? No, I mean, falling in love.
What Would You Do if Questions for Couples/Adults
19. What would you do if your son was all alone crying at home?
This question will help you find out the level of sense of urgency in your partner.
20. what would you do if a child was afraid of a character?
It’s not a new thing that some kids are so sacred of the Merry Christmas father, Santa. Find out what your partner will do to help solve a child’s phobia.
21. What would you do if you found out that I don’t have a penis/vagina?
Very weird and thought-provoking. It will be cool to find out what your partner’s reactions and responses will be like.
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22. What would you do if you woke up and the house is on fire?
It will be helpful to know the sequences your partner will use to attend to the emergency. For example: Save the people inside-call fire service-run out of the house. Etc.
23. What would you do if you find out that you are not the father/mother of your kids?
The DNA test trend is getting people in trouble. This question is thought-provoking as well.
24. What would you do if you have the power to go to the future and the past?
Is your partner going to the past to fix mistakes or going to the future to brighten his or her life? It’s time you find out.
25. What would you do if you have to sacrifice someone you love to live or you die?
Are you sacrificing your life for others to live? What do you think?
26. What would you do if your worst enemy becomes the boss in your place of work?
Find out if your partner will leave the job or face his or her enemy every day at work.
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27. What would you do if there’s no reason to live?
An extra question to push up the conversation and make it lively and fun.
What Would You Do if Questions for Students
28. What would you do if everyday emotions were confusing or challenging?
Emotion is a reaction to events. Make sure you tell them/him/her that there’s a difference between mood and emotions.
29. What would you do if you were thrown out of school?
Will your student appeal, move to another school, become an entrepreneur, or learn new skills. This question will help you find out.
30. What would you do if your class teacher catches you doing something crazy?
Find out how fast your student or partner can fix their mistakes or cover up their doings.
31. What would you do if life is something you pay for?
Some people will choose to die instead. But I doubt.
32. What would you do if your friends and families no longer trust you?
This question will help you understand your partner better. Will he or she try to build the trust back or leave family and friends to live with their mindset? It’s time you find out.
33. What would you do if one of your classmates feel jealous of you?
If my classmate is jealous of me for no reason, I will make sure he or she gets jealous the more. This is another way of frustrating his or her life.
34. What would you do if there’s something like life after death?
Find out if your partner or student believes in life after death.
35. What would you do if you have superpowers?
This question will help you find out what your students or partner wants to do but are not capable yet.
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36. What would you do if you have the gadgets to control the whole world?
Will your partner or student do a good thing and act superman or destroy the gadget so anyone cannot control the world.
37. What would you do if the recent technology crashes and we all go back to the early 40s?
This question is another way to bring out the creativity mindset hiding deep inside your partner or student(s).
38. What would you do if you lose all you have worked for in life overnight?
Will your student accept defeat and start afresh or try to do something crazy.
39. What would you do if you had all the time and money in the world?
Find out what your students or partner have in mind.
What Would You Do if Questions for Friends?
40. What would you do if police try to arrest me for no reason?
Will your friend(s) defend you or wait till you get to the police station.
41. What would you do if you wake up and realize that you cannot move your body anymore?
If it’s temporary, that kind of relieving. But if it turns out to be permanent, I think the reaction won’t be natural to hold.
42. What would you do if your friend steals from you?
Are you going to forgive and forget, or you end the friendship? This question is crucial.
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43. What would you do if someone just gave you $1 million?
Is your friend the luxury type or investor? Here’s how to find out.
44. What would you do if a stranger kicks your balls and run away?
After heartbreak, kicking a man/guy on his balls is the most painful thing that you can do to him.
45. What will you do if govt allows people to commit crimes and go free?
My friend told me that he would go and rob the central bank. I laughed real hard.
46. What would you do if you won a lottery?
This question will show you how your friend or partner will spend free money.
47. What would you do someone finds out your biggest secret?
The act of revealing someone’s secret has ended so many relationships. That’s kind of breach of trust.
48. What would you do if all the electricity in the world just stopped?
That means almost everything will stop working.
49. What would you do if you were offered everything in life for free, but you have to live alone without the internet?
Don’t be surprised that some of your friends cannot live for a week without the internet.
50. What would you do if you become a celebrity?
Find out if your friend will meet up with his or her celebrity crush or doing something else. This question will help forecast the kind of life he or she wants to live.
51. What would you do if you had five years to live?
Please, this question is a joke; do not try to create a scene.
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52. What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
This question will help you discover your friend or partner’s biggest fear.
53. What would you do if you wake up and see yourself in wonderland?
This question will get your friend thinking about how to start life afresh if there is no way of escape.
54. What would you do if money didn’t matter?
Everybody loves money, but this question will help you find out his or her level of love for money.
What Would You Do if Questions for Preschoolers/Kids
55. what would you do if you were invisible?
An excellent question to ask your kid(s) and get them/him/her talking
56. What would you do if you were the president?
This question is for everyone. It is also a way to bring out the leadership spirit in someone.
57. What would you do if you can make dreams reality?
Maybe your partner or child will choose not to make his or her dreams a reality. It’s in your hands to find out why.
58. What would you do if everyone was happy?
What about your worst enemy? This question can lead to some teachings.
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59. What would you if you were a god?
This question will help you find out what is in the mind of your partner or kid. It can reveal the good and evil desires of someone.
60. What would you do if everyone disappeared to thin air?
Will your kid look for a way to bring mommy and daddy back or cry?
61. What would you do if you have an adult’s abilities?
Kids sometimes envy adult’s abilities; this is a way to discuss and find out what your kid will love to be in the future.
62. What would you do if no one was watching you?
The truth can be challenging to get inside this question.
63. What would you do if you were given superpowers?
Maybe your kid will want to be “The Flash” and save people. This question will get your kid talking.
You have reached the end of my ideas so far.
Now I would love to hear from you:
Did you find my list of “what would you do if questions and ideas” helpful?
Or maybe you have new ideas to share with us.
Either way, do let me know by leaving a comment below right now and don’t forget to share it with friends.