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A long-distance relationship can be fun and at the same time, boring. The only thing that can keep it intact for long is regular communication. So I have gathered a list of long distance relationship questions that you need to spice up the bond.
Relationships can get more intimate and sweet when your partner is there to hold your hands, feel your warmth, crack jokes, and look each other eyeball to eyeball. But distance will make everything hard and almost impossible.
So to get rid of this boredom and barriers that might end the relationship, I have gathered enough questions that can spark up an intimate and deep conversation.
So let’s get started.
Interesting Long Distance Relationship Questions
1. How often do you go out with friends over there?
2. How do you handle a bad day?
3. Do you think people over there are more friendly than the people here?
4. What is an ideal weekend like to you?
5. What do you dislike/like about people over there?
Recommended: 90+ Simple But Meaningful “Yes” or “No” Questions to Ask Anybody
6. Who is the first person you meet after you woke up today?
7. When will we be together permanently?
8. Are you happy with the people you see every day within your neighbourhood?
9. What is that thing you do every day that adds meaning and value to your life?
10. What’s the ridiculous topic you have ever argued with people in your neighbourhood?
11. How good are you at reading people’s mind?
“Great relationships are based on clarity, not mind-reading.”
Steve Arterburn
12. What’s the worst thing that youth around you are very proud of?
13. Who have you not seen or talked to for a long time? Or why?
14. What can cause betrayal in a relationship?
15. How fast can you trust people?
16. How good are you in studying people’s behaviours and attitude?
17. What lesson(s) did you learn from your past relationships?
18. Do you actively participate in politics?
19. How many bar or restaurants have you visited in your neighbourhood?
20. What do you love so much about people over there?
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21. How fast do you make new friends?
22. What’s that good/bad habit that has eaten you so deeply that you cannot find a way to escape it?
23. What’s the most annoying thing that people around you often do?
24. What is your favourite food combination? Or do you have a new food combo?
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
Virginia Woolf
25. Do you believe in luck or handwork?
26. What’s that thing you wished I did more the last time we met?
27. Have you ever participate in a protest?
28. What’s that story that you heard from history that later became an untrue story.
29. What’s your ideal night routine like?
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30. Which public holiday do you enjoy the most?
31. What’s the most stressful daily chores/activity that you can not skip?
32. What’s your favourite TV show?
33. Can you survive a day without your mobile?
34. What are your most significant achievements?
35. When was the last time you had a drink with friends?
36. Have you ever missed a big opportunity? What was that opportunity?
“We often miss opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work”
Thomas A. Edison
37. What do people in your neighbourhood know you for?
38. If you leave that place, what experience will you miss?
39. When was the last time you chat with your parents?
40. How did you celebrate the last pubic holiday/Christmas?
41. How often do you sleepover at a friend’s place?
42. When are you coming back to cuddle me?
43. What would you love to add or remove in your current environment?
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44. What are your sweetest experience and memories over there?
45. What is your biggest fear at night?
46. Have you ever woke up at night and cannot locate the door?
47. What is the name of the last game you played with friends?
48. What advice do you want to give me secretly?
49. What are the most important events in your family?
50. What are the things that you are good at doing than anyone else in your family?
51. How long can you stay with friends?
52. What is the most overrated device/gadget in your area?
53. How cheap or expensive are things there?
54. How good are you at identifying an original product and counterfeit?
“Once you know true love you will never again be deceived by its counterfeit.”
Kate McGahan
55. Do you think I know everything about you?
56. When last did you send me a surprise text message or gifts?
57. Is there something special you miss so much about me?
58. Can confession make love grow stronger?
59. What is your schedule for tomorrow?
60. Do you enjoy me asking the same question daily?
61. If you don’t want to make use of the word “wonderful” what other words can you use that are not common in everyday language?
62. Can you remember my favourite colour or food?
63. Do you think I talk too much or seek for excess attention?
64. I want to change my hairstyle/haircut. What do you think?
65. Can you sing and memorize a love song for me tonight? Should I give you the title?
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66. What could make a man/woman cheat on his/her partner?
67. How do you keep yourself busy when you are feeling lonely?
68. What do you do when you think of me?
69. What is that question you want answers, but you are scared to ask?
70. What are the things we can do together even though we are far apart?
71. What is your biggest insecurity?
“I was feeling insecure you might not love me anymore”
John Lennon
72. What’s the title of the movie that you watched last?
73. Which animal is very common in your neighbourhood?
74. What are the critical elements in every successful long-distance relationship?
75. Can you remember the context of the last text message you sent to me?
76. What is the weather now?
77. What’s the most dangerous thing you have ever done this month/year?
78. Is there someone you dislike but act friendly when the person is around you?
79. What would make a man or woman go home drunk?
“Drunken men give some of the best pep talks.”
Criss Jami
80. Are there more of younger or older people over there?
81. What is the most disgusting thing you have ever seen?
82. In three words, how would you describe your current location?
83. Is there something you wanted to do for/to me, but you never had the opportunity?
84. Have you ever felt rejected by me?
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85. Which movie reminds you of your past life experience?
86. Can you give your lover your social media email and password?
87. Is there something about you that you feel like I do not need to know?
88. Do you share all of your worries with someone you love, or you just keep it to yourself?
89. What’s the best gift you have ever received from your lover?
90. What is the first thing you think whenever you hear my voice?
Dirty Long Distance Relationship Questions?
91. Can you remember the last time we had s%x? I need the exact date
92. When was the last time you shaved/wax?
93. What would you do if I tell you I am naked and h0rny?
94. What is the importance of indoor-bed work in a relationship?
95. What are the top two things you appreciate so much about my body?
96. Do you feel safe about playing nasty games with me?
97. Where would you love us to have s4x next time we see?
98. What is that thing you need to see or touch to get in the mood?
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99. How much will you pay me to send kisses to you?
100. Which words would you love to hear me say to you in bed?
101. On our next meet, do you think you will do better than me in bed?
102. Do you like it when I chat dirty?
103. Which song or movie makes you think of having s=x?
104. How long will you kiss me when you see me next?
105. What part of your body do you touch when you feel like you’re missing me?
106. What comes to your mind when you think of our last kiss?
107. What’s another cool way to tell someone you want s_x?
108. How do you cope at a cold night without me?
“Nothing burns like the cold. But only for a while. Then it gets inside you and starts to fill you up, and after a while you don’t have the strength to fight it.”
George R.R. Martin
109. What’s your best time of the day to chat dirty or have s#x?
110. What is better than peace of mind?
111. If I am hoo–nny now, how would you make me reach climate 6?
112. Don’t you miss my wet lips?
113. Have you been keeping yourself busy with something nasty?
114. What part of my body turns you on the most?
115. What’s the best advice you have received from a girl/guy you had affairs with?
116. What’s that one thing about you that people do not believe when you tell them?
117. What’s your favourite home gadget right now?
I am so happy you have reached the end of this post, and I hope you enjoyed the ideas.
If you do not know how to use these questions, just call your partner ask him or her how she is doing, tell him or her you want to play question game, then start throwing these questions one after the other.
I tried it while writing this blog post, and it was fun and exciting.
To summarize everything, I will go with this famous quote by Donald Miller “When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.”
Now I would love to hear from you.
Did you find my compiled ideas on long distance relationship questions helpful?
Or maybe you got some new ideas to share with us.
Either way, do let me know by leaving a comment below right now and do not forget to share with friends.