What's In Your Purse Game
Adults - Teens

5 Crazy What’s In Your Purse Game Questions

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A bridal shower should be one of the most interesting events of a lady’s life before she eventually ties the knot and officially becomes a bride. One of what makes the bridal shower interesting is the “what’s in your purse” game.

What's in your purse game questions

How To Play What’s In Your Purse Game?

The game has a simple rule: you’re expected to list some items that could be found in the average lady’s purse. Each of the items in your list should be assigned a point, depending on how rare the items usually are. The points should range from 1 to 10, with 10 being incredibly hard to get.

Then, you’ll have participants take items off their bags and cross off items from the list, recording their points. To make things a lot easier, each person should have a copy of the scoresheet and record their scores on their own. The winner is the person who scores the same point in the game.

When playing the “what’s in my purse” game, organizers usually find it tasking to populate the list of items that should get you points. Also, assigning a specific number of points to the items is not as easy as you think, and that’s why you need my help.

In this article, you’ll get ideas of some items you should consider including in your list of the “what’s in your purse” game. Before we get there, however, let’s take a look at some of the rules of the game and how it works in general.

How to Play the “What’s in Your Purse” Game

Before attempting to prepare the game cards, it’s crucial to learn the correct way to set up and play the “what’s in your purse” game to avoid basing the entire game on hearsay. Here’s the correct way to go about playing the “what’s in your purse” game during a bridal shower.

Firstly, you get cards that contain a list of items that a bride is likely to carry in her purse. Each of the items on the list should have a corresponding point that should vary based on the rarity of the item. If a participant has a particular item in their purse, they can cross it out and add the corresponding points to their total points.

If you don’t have all the time in the world, you may give them time to go through all the items in the bag and call off the game when the time runs out. Then, each of the participants will announce their scores as you walk past them, scrutinizing their account if their score appears to be suspiciously high.

Afterward, the highest scorer will have to showcase all the items in their purse that made the win the game. Don’t be surprised if you see some of the most random items you’ve ever seen in a purse; that’s actually what makes you win at the “what’s in your purse” game.

All you need to get up and running with the “what’s in your purse” game include the game cards with a list of the items with their corresponding points and a winning prize. For participants that don’t have a pen or pencil handy, you can also arrange for some for the game.

How to Get the “What’s in Your Purse” Game Cards

If you’ve been following this article properly, you should already know that organizing the game requires you to have game cards that include a sea of items. There are a couple of ways to get these cards, but you can make them yourself if you’re feeling particularly creative.

All you need to design a “what’s in your purse” game card is a computer, a list of 20 to 30 items that ladies keep in their bags, and a printer to print the cards when you’re done designing. However, that is only an option if you’re good at designing in the first place.

what's in your purse

If you have a printer but happen to be a terrible designer like I am, you can download free PDFs of “what’s in your purse” game cards over the internet and print them yourself. Depending on who you’re downloading from, you should be able to edit the items to add new ones, remove some, and reassign the points.

The final option is ordering the cards on Amazon or some other website like Zazzle. Both of those websites sell excellently-designed game cards for a very low cost, enabling you to get along with the game without having to come up with ideas of items to include on the list.

Variations of the “What’s in Your Purse” Game

While I’ve explained how the game works already, you don’t have to play it exactly that way. There are several variations of this game that may be more fun options, depending on your circle. If you’d rather do something other than searching through a purse to score cheap points on a game, here are some other variations of the game to try.

What’s on Your Phone

The “what’s in your phone” game works exactly like “what’s in your purse,” but for the items on your phone. You can design the card to reflect items that the participant might have on their phones. These might include apps, music, photos, or their battery percentage.

This game is just as interesting as the “what’s in your purse” game, but it might be slower if your friends are not exactly tech-savvy. So, you may want to check if it’s the perfect game for your friend circle before introducing it.

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What’s in her purse?

While the regular “what’s in your purse” game is about the items that the participants have in their purses, this game is slightly different. Instead of winning scores based on what they carry in their purses, they win points by guessing what other participants have in theirs.

To organize this game, you’ll need to organize the participants into pairs, with one person trying to guess the items in the other’s purse. When they guess any correctly, they win a point, and the person with the most points wins.

Prize Ideas for the “What’s in Your Purse” Game

One of the most interesting aspects of the “what’s in your purse” game is the prize that goes to the winner of the contest. In most cases, it’s hard to choose the winning prize, but it’s usually because you’re overthinking it.

The best way to choose a prize for the game is to go with something completely random or funny. You don’t want to spend several thousand dollars buying a gift for the winners of a bridal shower game (it would be fun if you did).

Some of the items you may want to consider offering as a prize for the winners include a bottle of wine, gift cards, candies, coffee mugs, and a cosmetic or body care kit. You also choose how many winners there are, but we recommend rewarding the first, second, and third positions.

Random Items for a “What’s In Your Purse” List

There are thousands of ideas for basic items to include in a “what’s in your purse list;” you know what your friends have in their purses. What may make you uncertain are some random items you want to include here and there for random points.

Here are some of the most random items you may want to include in a “what’s in your purse” game card.

A flash drive

A flash drive isn’t an incredibly rare item, but it isn’t what the average guest will bring along to a bridal shower. Associating a huge number of points to this item makes the entire thing even more fun since it’s unanticipated.

A written phone number

If you’re looking for ideas for items to populate the 20-point list, a written phone number sounds like a great idea. There’s a minuscule chance that someone has it in their purse, but a good chance that not many people do. That’s the perfect kind of item that fetches you 20 points.


A toothbrush isn’t a super rare item in a lady’s purse, so it might be a good idea to add it to the list. The category you want it to go to is another question; do you think it’s rare enough to be worth a 10, or would you give it a five instead?


A book is one of those items that should be common in purses but is unfortunately rare. When designing a game card for the “what’s in your purse game, you may want to add a book to one of the items. That, I’m sure, deserves 10 points.


The best time having random items in your bag could pay off is when you’re in a bridal shower where the “what’s in your purse” game is expected to take place. If you don’t know much about the game, this article has explained all you need to know.

Also, you should already know all the variations of the game at this point, as well as some clever prices you can offer the winner. The final section also gives you some ideas of what to include in the game card for the most interesting game ever.

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That’s all for What’s In Your Purse Game Questions, I think that’s a whole lot of ideas to try out have fun and enjoy.

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